Bayonne's Ham Festival 2021

Bayonne was one of my highlights in 2021, even more because of its famous yearly "Festival du jambon" (Ham Festival) which I attended for the first time. Because of Covid, the 2020 edition had been cancelled, so for most people, it was the opportunity to have a bit of fun after months of despair and frustration. The weather couldn't have been better, everybody was out for the occasion. I have to say that I tried a "galette with Bayonne's ham, mozzarella and pesto" in a Breton restaurant and it was absolutely delicious.

Gears used: Canon EOS R, RF 24-105mm. This was the best compromise to capture the atmosphere. There was simply not enough time to change equipment every 5 minutes.

Man, I don't know you but you looked friendly. I think the image depicts quite well the atmosphere of the event.

Ham producer and seller wearing the traditional "Basque béret".

2 happy customers

Beautiful lady lost in thoughts?

Another ham producer and seller.

Guitar player in the market.

Guitar player in the market.

Brass band players on the quays of Bayonne.

Love this image. It's not prize-winning, but the two kids who are sitting beside the singer and look so bored are really cute.

A man and a rose. Unfortunately, I didn't take my time to improve that photo composition. I'll have to go back to Bayonne I guess.

2 waiters from a local restaurant ("Les Tontons Flingueurs" - Crooks in Clover) taking a (well-deserved) break.

Crowded quays. No need to say there was no real "social distancing" that day.

I didn't know this lovely group of people, but they saw me with a camera and wanted me to "shoot them". Obviously I executed :-) If they recognise themselves, they can get in touch.

Crowded streets of Bayonne. It was actually nice to see a bit of normality back in our lives.

When arriving in Bayonne, I was right on time to attend a boat race in a friendly atmosphere. Here are a few shots I managed to get.